Aedan LOVES to cuddle

Did I ever mention Aedan LOVES to cuddle?? He has a very hard time sleeping unless he's got a good stuffed animal to cuddle up to :)


Amanda Cowan said...

My little one is the same way with her "bo" which is a teddy bear.. So cute! Love that pic!

Amanda Cowan said...

By the way, I have a blog on here, but it won't let me actually post my regular blog.., (Yes, I used to decorate cakes...really). Love all the pics and slideshows and stuff

Super Happy Jen said...

Awe. What a cute picture.

Karrie said...

That is soooo cute.

I was wondering if you got the invite to the Feb. '07 mommy group a bunch of us moved too??? I left the link in the Aedan's sick comments. i really hope you can join us, if you have any questions please email me at and my name is Karrie, BTW i am using my sisters FF account and her name is Misalisa, mine in not active. please come join us...:)