Crunchy Mama!

5 months ago I had no idea the mom I was going to be. I did a tonne of reading and had all sorts of perspectives and professionals differing opinions ready as tools to help me help my baby when he came. I knew most of it would fall into place as it comes, but I was so nervous about my new role that was about to come.

Now I'm pretty confident about the kind of mom I am. Its amazing to think of me on my due date nervous of my new role to come with our new arrival.

I've already been called by several people "over protective" a "Germophobe" and told I'm "Spoiling" my baby. I've been told I should be feeding my baby solids earlier, that our sleeping habits are wrong, and that I'll get him to used to being carried if I keep picking him up when he cries. I've been told "Oh thats how all first mothers are" and so on.

At first some of these statements used to make me second guess how I was managing my baby, I'd re-evaluate what I'm doing compared to others opions. But all it needed to come back to is what works for Aedan and me and his dad and I would see it's working out almost perfect, that what we were doing felt right in all of our instincts as parents.

I'm actually becoming prouder of these slightly judgmental statements as it's telling me I'm doing my job.

I'm proud to say I'm a Breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping attachment parenting Mama. ( I would be cloth diapering too if it didn't cause my baby so many rashes).

I didn't expect to become such a crunchy mama. But here I am. It works and it just feels so right.

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