Aedan Gets a Big Boy bed.


Over the Holidays we finally set up Aedan's "Big Boy Bed" He figured out how to climb out of his crib, so although early for a bed- it was most definetly time. He loves being able to get in and out of it himself, And pulls toys and books up onto it and lounges on back.

The most interesting part about this simple bed is Aedan's daddy slept in it when he was little, so did Aedan's Grandma Painter when she was a little girl. this bed was made by Aedan's Great Granpa Robert Jones. What a wonderful heirloom!
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Steph said...


I found your blog searching for something about 'early baby talk' and I love your blog. I have blogs for each of my 4 kids. With 4 kids I'm a bit behind. My youngest is 5 1/2 months old right now. My oldest turns 5 this of his blog's is public (otherwise I keep my sites password protected)....

Anyway, your son is adorable!!! Thanks for sharing your blog!


Becca said...

Thanks Steph!

I'll Add you to the links so hopefully I remember to keep checking back to yours too.

His blog has been fun, but yes there are definetly times I fall behind.

Thanks for stopping by!