We are having a baby!

It is Mothersday, and our first aniversary. And we knew there was a chance I could be pregnant so I pee'd on a stick. This is what it looks like.

It is VERY light, but they say a line is a line .So it looks like I've got a positive pregnancy test with a baby to be born in January or POSSIBLY born in Feb. So I thought I would share what I'm emotionally feeling right now

I havn't had my beta blood test yet so I'm still in a kind of limbo

I am so worried to be pregnant alone. I know other firends that have had babies, but I will be the first one in my group of friends to have a baby.

So here is a small list of what my mind is reeling over

I want to tell the world but want to wait till I know baby will stick
I can't sleep
wondering if it's really really REAL
hoping I don't get mourning sickness
worried I'll forget my folic acid
Worried about being intamate with my husband this early in pregnancy
happy knowing a baby will be in my arms for our next Aniversary
Wondering how we willl tell our parents that they are becoming grandparents for the first time!
curious, excited and nervous about their reaction.
Nervous to tell a good friend who has been TTC for over 3 years and didn't know we were TTC
Can't stop looking at the calender for certian pregnancy milestones to look forward to
still hard to belive it is real
I hope my beta #'s are healthy
I hope this one doesn't turn out like last time.
Wondering how are we gonna manage to put it all together so quick to have baby#1 in our home
Wondering if we were hasty TTC so soon and not enjoy more of our "new marriage" just the two of us
Excited to meet one of the most important people who will be in my life
Excited to begin our family

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi Becca,

Ok so you don't know me but I'm Carol, Jen's Scottish friend. I just wanted to congratulate you and your Husband on your pregnancy!

Take care!
Carol :)